Gazpacho – The Refreshing Delight from Spain

    Gazpacho is a traditional Spanish soup that provides refreshing relief, especially during the hot summer months. Let yourself be enchanted by the fruity freshness and aromatic spices of this Gazpacho.


    • 6 ripe tomatoes
    • 1 red bell pepper
    • 1 small cucumber
    • 1 onion
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 50 ml olive oil
    • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon agave syrup or another sweetener of choice
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • A pinch of cumin
    • A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
    • Fresh basil leaves for garnish


    • Thoroughly wash the tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumber, and onion.
    • Remove the seeds and stem from the tomatoes and cut them into rough pieces, just like the bell pepper, cucumber, onion, and garlic.
    • Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor, and add olive oil, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, and agave syrup.
    • Season with salt, pepper, cumin, and optionally a pinch of cayenne pepper for a subtle spiciness. Blend everything well until a smooth and creamy consistency is achieved.
    • Taste the Gazpacho and adjust the seasonings and sweetness according to your preference.
    • Refrigerate the Gazpacho for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to meld and serve it chilled.
    • Serve the Gazpacho in bowls or glasses and garnish it with fresh basil leaves.

    This Gazpacho is not only incredibly delicious but also healthy and refreshing. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, while cucumber adds an extra dose of water and freshness. Onion and garlic impart an aromatic note to the Gazpacho and are known for their health-promoting properties. With the fresh taste of basil, this soup becomes a true delight for all senses.

    Share your creations with me and tag me on social media at @vegan_franzi or use the hashtag #gonut.


    Ich möchte euch ermutigen, neue Rezepte auszuprobieren, euren Geschmackssinn zu erweitern und eure Beziehung zum Essen zu verändern. Die vegane und zuckerfreie Küche kann so vielfältig sein, und ich möchte euch inspirieren, diese Vielfalt zu entdecken.

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