Potatoes are a wonderful vegetable that offers endless possibilities in the kitchen. Their versatility shines, especially in hearty salads.

    Today, I’d like to share a delicious recipe for a vegan potato salad, featuring fresh flavors and a creamy dressing. Whether as a side to other dishes or as a main meal, this potato salad will pamper your taste buds.


    For the Salad

    • 500g potatoes (waxy), peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces
    • 1 red onion, finely chopped
    • 3 spring onions, sliced into thin rings
    • A handful of fresh parsley, chopped
    • A handful of fresh chives, chopped
    • Salt and pepper to taste

    For the Dressing

    • 3 tbsp vegan mayonnaise, homemade or store-bought
    • 2 tbsp unsweetened soy yogurt (or another plant-based yogurt)
    • 1 tbsp mustard
    • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
    • 1 tsp maple syrup or agave nectar
    • A pinch of garlic powder
    • A pinch of onion powder
    • Salt and pepper to taste


    1. Bring the potato pieces to a boil in a pot of salted water. Let them cook for about 10-15 minutes until they are soft but still firm. Drain and let them cool slightly.
    2. In a large bowl, combine the finely chopped red onion, spring onion rings, chopped parsley, and chives.
    3. Add the slightly cooled potato pieces to the cut vegetables in the bowl and gently stir to mix everything well.
    4. For the dressing, mix vegan mayonnaise, soy yogurt, mustard, apple cider vinegar, and maple syrup in a small bowl.
    5. Add a pinch of garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper, and stir well to evenly distribute the spices.
    6. Pour the creamy dressing over the potato salad and gently fold everything to evenly coat the potatoes and vegetables.
    7. Place the vegan potato salad in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to unfold and the dressing to soak in.
    8. Just before serving, taste the salad again with salt and pepper and add more fresh herbs if desired.

    This creamy and hearty potato salad is a delightful addition to your meals and goes exceptionally well with barbecues, picnics, or simply as a satisfying side to your main dishes.

      Enjoy and share your creations with me by tagging @vegan_franzi on social media or using the hashtag #gonut.


      Ich möchte euch ermutigen, neue Rezepte auszuprobieren, euren Geschmackssinn zu erweitern und eure Beziehung zum Essen zu verändern. Die vegane und zuckerfreie Küche kann so vielfältig sein, und ich möchte euch inspirieren, diese Vielfalt zu entdecken.

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